Saturday, March 24, 2012

I Am Strong - The Grascals w/Dolly Parton

I'm sorry i have not posted in a good while but since my last post they decided to try a new chemo which would be up to six days of chemo going in five hours a day and a 24 hour bladder protection drug i was worried about doing it because of the side effects which was hair loss and could cause bleeding in the bladder and confusion my main concern was the bleeding and confusion but my family and I prayed and felt led to go ahead and do it. On Jan. 3 i went in and did the treatment everything was going according to plan the only side effect i was having was getting bigger with the fluids haha which was no problem. I got out on the following Sun. night around 11 o' clock and was feeling great and excited to go home the next day (Monday) i got up and was wanting to take a bath. i got out was out of breath and was passing out so i yelled for mom i wasn't able to go anywhere and could barely breath i was going in and out of conscience, seeing green and rocking back and forth so mom called 911 and my dad. My dad got there before the ambulance of course but they were right behind him they were able to get me on the stretcher and i started feeling better they took me to stonewall hospital and they ran blood tests and gave me a ct scan to make sure there were no blood clots. Everything came back clear except my blood levels were starting to get low which was the cause of the episode i had. About two hours passed and they released me so i went home. The next few days i felt terrible and didn't feel like moving, Thurs i had a doctors appointment for a checkup turned out when i went i had a high fever and was admitted in the UVA hospital they ran more tests to check for infection, when they checked my blood it was very low so they had to give me blood i was in the hospital for several days getting blood and waiting for my blood levels to come up by the time they came up i was given eleven units of blood and platelets. a few weeks went by and i went back for another appointment the doctor wanted to do either one more treatment of the old chemo and be done or just be done he gave us a week to decide, we prayed and felt led to go ahead and do the last treatment and then be done i was so excited to be at the end i was almost there so on Feb 14th i went in for my final chemo treatment. I was in for three days and everything went great got out on the following Fri. and was very very excited to be done. I went back the next week to check on my blood levels and ended up getting another unit of blood and again the next week i had a total of thirteen units of blood throughout my treatments, I went back to the doctor and everything is looking good we scheduled to get my port out on the 12th of April and i go back on May 16th for my leg doctor to be full weight bare which i am stoked about. They did find a 9mm spot on my thyroid but the doctor is not concerned about it but did set me up with a thyroid doctor to get it checked further i am not worried about it because i know God is in control. Well that is about it, I just want thank you all so much for all the prayers and support shown through all of this but most of all i want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for helping me through this and healing me.

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