Friday, September 9, 2011 won't get the best of me!

It has been a while since my last post. I am currently finishing up my 3rd treatment of chemotherapy! My first chemo experience was a bit intimidating. I had my 2nd surgery where I received a port (a small device inserted in my chest for the chemicals to go throughout my body and kill the cells) Everything went well and I started receiving my first round of chemo shortly after. Each treatment I have to stay for at least 4 days. It is hard being hooked up to ivs all the time but I am very thankful for God giving me the strength to get through this! I had my 2nd round of chemo last week. Things weren't that great, my sugar levels was near 500 and had to be given insulin. The type of chemo was the "rough stuff" it affects all of your levels and gives you a higher risk for kidney failure. My kidney levels were up so I ended up staying the whole week in the hospital. Let's just say I was very impatient about getting out of there, then I had a visitor on the day I was supposed to leave, the Pastor & his wife from my Aunt Sharon's church. It was unexpected but very encouraging how someone I've never met before would take the time and come all this way to visit me. It's crazy to think how if I would have been released that day and missed that special visit. I got 3 days off and before I knew it, it was time for my 3rd dose of chemo. So far everything is going good and I am scheduled to get released tomorrow. There hasn't been any signs of kidney failure, which my doctor seemed to be concerned with this time. It turns out the medicine I would need if that was to happen would cost $50,000 which most insurances don't cover! I am so blessed that I haven't been experiencing the most common side affects, which has been a shock to all of my doctors and nurses. For nothing can touch me unless it passes through God's hands! A few of my nurses have been encouraging me and come to find out one is even a pastor's wife with 6 kids. But some of the nurses & pcas don't seem to like when I put up Bible verses on my white I have had a lot of vistors this week, Joe & Jenny Nieman, Dexter, Mike, Brandy, Zoey & Sophia Shover, Sebby, Stacy, & Brooke Volpe, Bryan Volpe, Jerry Knick and of course my WONDERFUL family, Ashley, Jason & Levi Smith, Britt, Carrie, & DeAnna. I would like to thank everyone who has came to visit me, sent cards and prayers! It really means alot!!! Most of all I want to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for bringing me through this, I know I still have a long road of recovery but I want to give all the praise & glory to Him for getting me through this far. Seeing some of the other patients here has made me realize how truly blessed I am and what a great savior we have!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your illness and your faith. Christina Volpe is my cousin and I found you through her. Keep your head up, you are going to beat this... And you have alot of prayers headed your way from Florida!
